by 17.28 0 komentar
This is the sixth day and the exercise called as the magical work..

But once again...

What i'm gonna do today isn't like what HOUDINI did in the past..

I'm not going to do a magic trick with a magic wand or fake the death..


So, what i'm going to do today is just doing the same thing as the first and second day plus by grateful about anything that I'm going to do today and say thanks to lord right before doing my activities..

OK, lets do it

Andy Saputra on friday may 9th 2014

Dear god

Thanks for everything I've learned yesterday because it'll be so much useful in the first semester of college student
Thanks for the dinner yesterday because I believe it'll make me more healthy
Thanks for leting me feel an strange feeling yesterday because I believe every great man must be ever feel the same
Thanks for giving me a good sleep last night because it make me feel so fresh today
Thanks for giving me a healthy body today because with this body I can do anything today
Thanks for the breakfast today because it make me became more healthy today
Thanks for everybody who loves and keep supporting me because they're the reason for me to still fight for dream catching
Thanks for everybody who hates and keep judging me because of them, i'll past the day thought
Thanks for every inspiration you give to me because by start that little inspiration someday it'll become something big
Thanks for meeting me up with "THE MAGIC" book because it has changed my day even if a bit

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks...



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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