by 17.51 0 komentar
OK,so this is the 4th day...
so, my life has change i thought...
everything now looks better everyday.. Everything is better than what i just expected even if i forgot to do last 2 things yesterday night
So, in the fourth day, all i have to do is just do the same thing as the first and second day and the additional is I have to be grateful about my health body..

OK fix, let's do it

Andy Saputra on wednesday, may 7th 2014
dear god...

Thanks for a good sleep last night because It makes me so fresh today
Thanks for a good dinner last night because I believe it makes me more 
Thanks for hmmm I don't sure about my dream last night but thanks because I believe it means something good
Thanks to meeting me up with some new friend because I believe that I'll need them someday
Thanks that from now I can play dance dance revolution on my playstation even if I don't have my dancing mat yet because i believe it'll be so fun to play it
Thanks for everything I learn yesterday because I believe it'll be useful oneday
Thanks for everyone around me who loves and keep supporting me because with them I'll reach my dream
Thanks for everyone around me who hates and keep judging me because of them I'll pass the day strongly
Thanks for the breakfast this morning, even if it's notso tasty because I believe it'll make me more healthy
And finally
Thanks for meeting me up with "THE MAGIC" book because it has changed my life day by day..

thanks, thanks, thanks...



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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