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Well, I'm so excited today... that I'm going to write early again about my project
So, this is the 16th day..

And to be honest, I don't know what is the different today and the day 4 project.. It has the same name and the same purpose.

So, what I've to do this day is

Think about the past when you're on top of the world

UMMM, I don't think that kind of top of the world that they mean...

Maybe what they mean is what described on this song!

Ya, who knows...

Letme start remembering it..

Ummm.. I remember that time, when I was an elementary school's student. I remember that I was the most jerk and smart guy that time even though I was a lazy boy, I'm still on top even if my teacher bring my rank down but my friend still think that I'm the man on the top that time. I really remember it when It making me so arrogant at the last.. But thanks for all those experience. At least I know how it feel becoming the man on the top even though we're not always be on the top but I really want to reach that place again.. Amen

And then, what I have to do is to be grateful again about 5 parts of my body

Thanks to my eye, because of you I can see the whole world since the first time I born
Thanks so much to all my inside organ for working all the time without rest because you're make me still alive
Thanks so much to my ear for always listening even if when I sleep
Thanks so much for my tounge because you're the reason that I was selective eater
Thanks so much to my limbs for accompany me whereever I go..

Thanks a lot... you're the most perfect thing I ever have, the things which never betray me.. I love you

Andy Saputra on monday, May 19th 2014
Dear god

Thanks for waking me up earlier this morning so I have much time to start the day, I believe I need this condition when I was a college student
Thanks so much for the dinner last night because it make me strong and ready to face today
Thanks so much to all people who make the food and water still exist because you're the reason why the human still alive
Thanks so much for all the things I've ever learn because I believe it was so useful not only for me but also the others
Thanks so much for all the people and all the things which ever teaching, inspiring and also motivating me because they're all the reason of all the knowledge and the philosophy I've known
Thanks so much for the people who loves and keep supporting me because they're the reason why o want to be great man
Thanks so much for letting me become who I am now because I believe that we only can be the best if we become our self not the other
Thanks so much for all the thing you ever gave me for free because It make me didn't feel losing
Thanks so much for today because who knows that today is the last day of us..

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks so much for the perfect solving



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