by 18.15 0 komentar
Well, I'm feel so excited today because my favourite team has won the premiers league last night..
And today is the ninth day. The exercise called as the money magnet.
All I have to do today is. collect the bill and be gratefull for it


Not that kind of bill...
by the way look at his eye, my teacher ever said that Bill gates was only sleep only a hour everyday when he build up the windows os for computer

he's some kind of inspirational man..

Even if he rich.. he was so generous
Just look at his company donation! I never thought that I would donate the same amount of money just like he did. But from him I learn something and prove something..
From he I prove "THE SECRET" book statement that donate your money is being grateful about money. And being grateful about money will attract more money to us.
Maybe that's why he never lack of money since built the microsoft

But I'm sorry.. It isn't that kind of bill that I have to collect

So, that is the kind of bill that i have to collect...

Yeah, the bill payment
But, I got a problem. I've never ever get a bill that I haven't pay yet..
because all that things is my dad duty to pay..

So, maybe I just should say thanks about all the payed bill for FREE

OK, lets do it

Andy Saputra on monday, may 12th 2014

Dear god

I'm so happy that manchester city won the premier leagues last night because it make me feel so amazing
Thanks so much to change my broken dancing mat to another which still functioning because from now I can't do some exercise just from my playstation
Thanks so much about the dinner and the breakfast this morning because although it's not really tasty but it make me strong and healthy
Thanks so much to farmer and all the people who make the food and water still exist because without you no one will living on this planet
Thanks so much for waking me up early even if I have a late slept last night because I need this condition while in college..
Thanks so much for letting me know a beautiful woman even she will never know me because I believe you have a good reason for that
Thanks so much for this healthy body because with this body, I could do and be anything today
Thanks so much for the people around me who loves and keep supporting me because they're the reason why I want to be a great man
Thanks for all the knowledge I have and all the thing I've learn all this time because I believe it will be useful oneday.
And finally
Thanks so much to Ronda Byrne for writing "THE MAGIC" book because you've change my life

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks so much for the perfect solving



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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