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So, this is monday and all I want to do is doing this project and watching some funny movies to make me feel a little better.
So, I called this day as the magical fresh air
Because all I have to do is be grateful about the air I've ever inhaling. So, I've to be grateful in every single breath I take..
And god, please help me to make this project cleared...

So, let's start the day
Andy Saputra on monday, may 26th 2014
Dear god

For the first time, Thanks for all the air in this planet because It has make a million creatures alive still
Thanks For the food I've ever ate before because it makes me ready to face the day
Thanks to the farmer and everyone who make the food and water still exist because they're the reason why the human being still exist
Thanks for all the people who cares about me because I believe that I'll need them one day
Thanks for everyone who loves and keep supporting me because they're the reason why I want to be a great successful man
Thanks for every single knowledge that I have because I belive I must be need them to be a great man
Thanks for everyone who ever teach me and giving me the knowledge and philosophy because they're the reason of all my knowledge
Thanks for every single thing you ever send as a gift to me because it must be mean so much to me
Thanks for all the silence you gave me last week.. it changes me a lot
For the first time again, Thanks for my parents who let me born, watch me grow and develop because you're the most important people of my life

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks for all the perfect problem solving



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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