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Whoaaaa... I feel so excited today because being a positive man yesterday not so easy as I expected. So, I'm going to repeat it till I'm a truly positive thinker.
This is the eighth days and today's exercise called as the magical eat

I named it based on what I'm going to do..
before I eat anything today I have to be grateful and say thanks to farmer, and anyone else who made the food still exist..

I know it must be so hard to do 2 challenges today but it must be awesome if I can do those hard things...

OK, lets do it

Andy Saputra on sunday, may 11th 2014

Dear god..

Thanks so much for the yoga treatment yesterday that was the best I've ever do along this week because I've got the impact now, my blood circulation become awesome
Thanks so much for the delicious dinner yesterday because I believe it is useful
Thanks so much for the delicious breakfast this morning that was the best nasi campur in the morning because I must be missing that kind of breakfast while in the college
and for all the food I ever eat
Thanks so much to the farmer and everyone who makes them still exist because without you this planet can't be a home for human
I'm so much happy today because since yesterday I can play dance dance revolution with my own dance mat so, I don't need to go to the game arcade anymore to playing that game
Thanks so much for all the time which given to me because I really need this time for relaxation and change myself to a better person
Thanks so much for everyone who ever teach me about anything because I believe all the things they've taught to me was useful
Thanks so much for everything I've learned all this time because with that all I'll be a great man
Thanks so much for everyone who loves and keep supporting me because they're the reason I want to be a great man
and finally
Thanks so much for everything that ever come to my life because without you, I can't tell a stories to motivate people when I've became a great man

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks so much for the perfect solving...



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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