by 19.14 0 komentar
Well, thanks god that today was so silence because I need this condition sometimes..
And this 18th day called as the magical work list..

I don't really understand what the book told me today but all I get is that I have to make a list about the things that might be impossible for me to do and be grateful about that. And also it include the list of the problem that I have to solve.. focus to 3 things on the list and give it 1 minute to think about it

So, here they are.
I'm not going to write 10 because all the things that I want to solve now is just about my school

I'm just thinking..
I'm going to school, then I just took my high school certificate to my teacher, then the teacher ask me..
"Kamu sekarang sekolah dimana?"
Then I said "UI"
And then I'm going to the fotocopy center then copy all my file that needed as the Universitas Indonesia file.
Then I'm going home and the next day I'm going to Jakarta


Andy Saputra on wednesday, may 21st 2014

Dear god
Thanks that I'm graduate yesterday, I have no reason but it was the first qualification needed to become a colleger, So thanks so much
Thanks for the detox treatment yesterday, I believe that I've let all the bad things go out from myself
Thanks so much for the every single person who cares about me yesterday because I believe that someday I must be needed that kind of person who cares about me, my problem, my life, and my fortune maybe also
Thanks so much again about the dream yesterday morning, I still trying to thingking about that because it was so nice dream..
Thanks so much because you've change me this way, much people must be happy to see me like this
Thanks so much for making me feel much better in the silence
Thanks so much because you've losing most of my fear, the fear about life, real life I mean. I know that life must be hard and full of  losing and getting... you make me think that I'm not deserve for anything. You've crushed me but I hope it was the best for me a life teaching from you to make me realize that I've become this arrogant all this time, and I deserve for this
Thanks that today you told and advised me to focus to the things that I want, I need and The things which I have to thanks for because you must be know that this problem of mine making me hard to be positive if you not telling me so
Thanks for the breakfast this morning I really appreciate your gift
and finally
dear god, I don't know what to thanks for the10th but whatever it was I believe that things will be making me become be so grateful maybe even cry because it making me and people around become so much happy

 Thanks, Thanks, Thanks so much for the perfect problem solving



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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