by 21.09 0 komentar
Well, now I called myself as miracles hunter..
and what i'm trying to do is anything to do which written on the "THE MAGIC" book. written by Rhonda Byrne..
I know that i'm a bit insane but don't mad at me because it would make me more madness.. 

there's said that there'll be a month training (28 days) that will change my life for sure...
I know that it'll be useless for me. But for a man with no rush like me, it's not a prob..

The book said that in the first day i've to count all the good things which come to me today and be grateful for it..
then, i've to write it down on paper, on pc, or on whatever things which you can use for writing
The book said there's a format when you writing it. 
the format is like this
"THANKS FOR.... (insert your own word) BECAUSE...(insert your word again)"

After write it, you've to read it. Repeat it maybe about twice. Then said thanks 3times for closing.
do the last 2 steps at night

OK, let's do it
Today is sunday, 4th may 2014.. 
My name Andy Saputra and I start this project from today

So, dear god.. for this morning..
Thanks for waking me up earlier because wake up in the morning make me have more time for doing any activities with my father
Thanks for giving me more time to "poop" in the morning because it giving my stomach more capacity for food
Thanks for the sport i've done this morning because i believe it'll make me more healthy
Thanks for the tasty breakfast I had this morning because it make me feel better
Thanks for giving me a healthy body today because i can do anything with this healthy body
Thanks for the bad dream last night because I believe bad dreams means something good for me
Thanks for the good sleep last night because it make me feel so fresh today
Thanks for all good people around me today because with them I know what I want to be all this time
Thanks for still giving me a holiday because I really depressed with all this life
and the last
Thanks for meeting me up with "THE MAGIC" book because with that book I hope everything will be better

Thanks, thanks, thanks



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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