by 08.00 0 komentar
She's crying
I just saw her tears falling down. down to the earth

She's crying
I just saw she's hurt terribly. deep inside her heart inside her dreams

She's crying
I just saw her a lot in pain

I can feel her pain, I know how hurt is she and I just trying to keep my tears not falling down like hers. I can feel what you feel cause I ever feel what was ahead you. I have faced the same thing as you even worse. 

But she's crying
I can't stand by just looking at her face far away from her place. I really want to hug her so badly. Just to make her feel better. Just to make her thinking that every step she takes and every breath she takes never be a mistake for me. Just to make she thinks that I'll always be near hear. always be in her heart.

But she's crying
All the things gone bad for her. I know. Even if so, I'll always try to make her feel better even thought the dimension separated us away. 

I know that you're down right now. But please, just don't always looking up for now, try too looking down once  and try to look at your side sometimes. There's still other people feel the same as you feel and there's too much people that not as luck as you.

you're a gift for me and you have to know that you're so special. No one is worth enough to compare with you. Nobody was good enough to take your place. You is you, nobody can be you. So please be grateful about yourself.

But you're crying
I just can't tell you all the things that I really want to say. I really want to make you think that there's one other things that only you who have. Me. Trust me, that nobody will be in the same place like your place in my heart. But I just can't

Cause you're crying
and distance

So I write this to the distance and you, hope some one who deliver this will understand about you and I trough every code from this post and bring me to you or you to me, so there's nothing making us afraid anymore.



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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