
by 22.59 0 komentar
Time is a concept that human made to express the occurrence of a moment. 

how long does earth need to revolute the sun is a year
how long does the moon need to surround the earth once is a month
how long does the earth spin once is a day
how long does 24 hours a day

1 hour contain of 60 minutes
1 minute contain of 60 second 
and 1 second is the standard of time in a International system

which mean, one day contain of 86,400 second. An electron in front of us can moved 2200 km surrounding the centre of atom for the each second. Which mean in a day there's more than just 86,400 possibility which could happen anywhere not only in front our eyes. It is the weakness of us that we can only feel, taste, see, touch, know and create just a few of those moments. 

much people come and go in each second
born and death even faster than a second
passing trough just in a moment

Time also is a concept of people to tell the moment itself

Past is the moment which have done
Present is the moment which just occur it's usually said as "now" by people
and Future is something different with moment in front of us which contain of possibility which nobody will know until the moment start the process or not at all

Past is contain of memory
Present is contain of moment
and Future is contain of prophecy

The past, present and future is create by energy
and the past, the present and the future of us is created by the energy of feeling which people usually called as love.

So, how long do I need to love you?




Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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