The Galau Begin...

by 03.45 0 komentar
For the first..
Thanks God it's Sunday, so i can do anything i want because today was sunday and it's holiday and the sun so bright today..

I don't know what to write right now because i'm really not in a good mood to tell something new which happen to my life today. Now, i feel like i feel my girl feeling.

Yeah, she got PMS..

and it's really hard to understand her feeling. She always deny every question i asked to her, and it made me afraid of her that something really bad happen to her..

I love her and the only thing i want is to make she happy and see all her smiles. That's why it make me confused when she act like i was nobody to her. 

If i talk about PMS, all the things i can do now is just...

And now, i feel like i want to drink some morphine and eat some wine

And all the things that i want to do now is....


I really don't have some idea how to survive from this suffer but thanks for this all god.. Because from now I know how to know a women with PMS!!!



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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