by 08.55 0 komentar

Everybody must be ever feel a bad period in their life when they feel their life was so unfair or unjust or not the same as they expect that making them feel so disappointed.

Disappoint to the self, disappoint to the term and condition and even disappointed to god.

People always like to try to find the suspect of the bad things that happening to them even though there's no suspect to what had force them without realising that may be it just the the junction or rise that we have to through to finish at the end of the road, to get what we want.

But god working in so mysterious way.

there's a thousand way to rome

1 day consist of 24 hours means 1440 minute which is 86400 seconds which every second was contain a million possibilities and there's a thousand choice you can choose.

There's also a thousand even a million way and finish line that god has prepared for you and it's up to you to chose which road you want to pass through. Some road has the same finish line but the different panorama around it but every road is different. there's too much way. that's why sometimes it will cross other peoples way. It was the moment when you met somebody. Somebody that you can chose as the one that will be with you forever or just a stranger who pass through.

But never be disappointed about the way you have chosen. Believe me every road you chose has a happy ending in the end of those road.

If you feel so down now, just believe there's still a good things ahead.

dedicated to you - the one who feeling sad



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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