by 17.20 0 komentar
So, i've passed the first day with nothing...
Yestereday just feel usual.. Nothing special. Except when i read again what i wrote in the night before I slept. I feel something good inside me but it was just a temporary feeling. but it goods because i've found somehing good yesterday even though it isn't eternally...

So, what i'm gonna do today is..
Count every good thing that happen today just like yesterday
Find a miracle rocks *to be honest it just an ordinary rocks
Pray with hold the rocks at night and think about the best think which happen today

Ok, let's see what kind of rock i want to have

 I don't think i need him because i can't hold him actually.
I must be smacked down by him before I hold his arm..

Let's find another one..

I'm pretty sure that I don't need them..

They must be gonna crush my ear by their music

Ok just lest see and hope that I'll find the right rocks
So, lets do it

Andy Saputra, monday. may 5th 2014
dear god, in this morning

Thanks for the comedy last night I watch on tv because it make me laugh and feel much better
Thanks for a good sleep last night because it make me fresh today
Thanks for a strange and real feel dream last night because i believe that means something good for me
Thanks for waking me up earlier again this morning because I believe that I need this condition when I was a student in Universitas Indonesia
Thanks for the chance to see my bro this morning because he is doing an national exam start today and I hope he'll do better than me 3 years ago
Thanks for the breakfast today even if it's not really tasty because having breakfast will giving me more power for today activity
Thanks for the healthy body which i got today because with this body I could be anything today
Thanks for every one around me which loving me and keep supporting me because with them I'll catch my dream
Thanks for meeting me up with "THE MAGIC" book because it has making me feel better yesterday although just a temporary..

thanks, thanks, thanks



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

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